Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Wulf the Saxon Review

Our family enjoys jumping into a good book, especially when it is being read aloud.  The kids love to stop me so that they can ask questions or try to predict what will happen next and I love to leave them hanging in suspense at the end of some chapters.  We just love a good story.  I've heard so much, from friends and other homeschool moms about how exciting audiobooks were and how it would free up my time so that I could get other things around the house done.  We tried some and some were ok but for the most part we just never really got into them because, to be honest, they just didn't have a lot of excitement to them.  The reader read in monotone and we couldn't tell which character was which.  A couple months ago we were offered the opportunity to review Wulf the Saxon, the newest release from Heirloom Audio Productions'  series.  I was hesitant at first, but the storyline and cover art caught my attention and I decided to give it a go.  Boy, am I ever glad that I did!  The story was engulfing, my children and I were able to truly live the adventure, it was as if we were right there back in the 1060's.  Yes, this audio drama was that good.  I would love for you to join me on the adventure, so grab your things and let's go!

Heirloom Audio Productions' Wulf the Saxon

Heirloom Audio Productions brings another G.A. Henty novel to life with Wulf the Saxon!

Wulf the Saxon
Heirloom's mission as stated on their website is to engage their listener's imagination by taking them back in time and immersing them in the story.  They did exactly that in Wulf the Saxon.  
How we used it So upon getting this I had so many great plans on how we would use it.  All those plans quickly went out the window once we opened the packet.  We sat down at breakfast and immediately started listening to it.  When the kids wanted to discuss a certain part we would pause it and open the floor for discussion.  We pulled out the dictionary when we didn't know the definition of a word, looked up places on the map, and even searched the internet to find more information on the Battle of Hastings.  We learned so much just by being introduced to this audiobook.
My kid's thoughts  Here's what my eleven-year-old daughter had to say.  "This story was really good.  My favorite part was when he returned with a better attitude and went to battle.  I didn't like the part when Wulf didn't trust that God would protect them on the ship.  It was funny when someone on the ship said, put down that goose leg and hold on.  I would definitely like for other kids to listen to this story."
My twelve-year-old son said, "This story is a great character building story.  It teaches about not acting in anger.  I would recommend it to other kids because it will help them use their imagination."
My eight-year-old also really enjoyed the story he may not have narrated true to the story LOL but this is what he said, "Wulf lost his job (I think he assumed this when he was sent to his family estate) and he became a war commander (I think he is referring to when Wulf returned home and was asked to be apart of Earl Harold's inner circle) they got on a ship and sailed into the eye of a storm.  I loved all the battling it was funny.  I would like my friends to hear it."
My fourteen year old wrote the story synopsis below.  She loved every minute of the story and even asked if there was a movie to watch.    
My thoughts We receive a physical CD set in the mail.  It was nicely packaged and the trifold case held 2 CDs and a small insert with more information about Heirloom Audio Productions.  The total time of the story is 2 1/2 hours.  The story was very captivating and we listened to it several times.  I think they did a very good job with the sound effects, music, and the narrator was awesome.  I look forward to listening to their other audio books.  
A brief synopsis of the story This story takes us back to 1065 when Edward the Confessor is King of England.  Wulf, a hot-tempered, 16-year-old page is called in by Earl Harold because of his behavior.  As consequence to his behavior, he is sent back to his father's estate where he will need to learn self-control.  After about a year of being there, he gets word that Earl Harold has sent for him to come back.  Upon his arrival, he meets with the Earl and is invited to be apart of his inner circle.  Later Earl Harold, Wulf, and other men find themselves shipwrecked in Normandy and are then captured and held captive under the authority of Conrad.  This is when the adventure begins Wulf showed great courage, bravery, and loyalty.  Harold becomes king. Harold has to choose between love and England.  Brothers battle. Someone marry for love. The excitement can go one forever, but then it wouldn't leave you a reason to listen.

Be sure to check out Heirloom Audio's Live the Adventure Club with this membership you will get  CD-set, educational resources, games, daily inspiration and devotions, and so much more.

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If you would like to read what other families have to say about Wulf the Saxon click here or the banner below.

Wulf the Saxon {Heirloom Audio Productions Reviews}

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