Thursday, November 8, 2018

Thankful Series - Day 8

I have decided that at some point this week I will go back and add days 1-6 for this series.  Be sure to check back for those.  What are we reflecting on today?  It doesn't matter how old you get, your parents will always be your parents.  They never stop loving!  So today, we will express our thankfulness for our parents.

I'm thankful for my parents because...

I'm thankful for my parents because there would be no me if it weren't for them.  I am grateful for all the sacrifices they made for me, their unconditional love, and the time spent with them.  I am thankful to still have both my parents alive and well.  The older I get the more I appreciate them and the lessons they taught me!  The laughter, long talks, advice (unwanted and wanted LOL), the love they have for my husband and my children just warms my heart.  God knew I needed them!

I am also thankful for my parents-in-love!  They raised an amazing man!  They accepted me in as a daughter and treat me as such.  They have set a wonderful example of what marriage is, they celebrated 34 years of marriage this year! 


I love and appreciate both sets of parents!  No matter how old you get parents are an important part of your life; honor them.

Exodus 20:12 Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long in the land that the Lord your God is giving you.

Why are you thankful for your parents?

Thank you for stopping by today, I enjoy your company!  May your relationship with your parents be blessed!

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