Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Reading Eggs - Review

Learning to read is a very important life skill.  You need reading for just about everything in life.  So one of my main goals in homeschooling my children is for them to be strong readers.  I am not just talking about being able to pronounce words and read a book, I want them to comprehend what they are reading.  So, when given the opportunity to review Reading Eggs I didn't have the learning to read with phonics idea in mind I was looking for something to help him with reading comprehension, his grammar, becoming a better speller, etc.  I saw that they offered all of that so I was a happy parent!  For the last month or so we have been working our way through Reading Eggspress online and the corresponding workbook.
My son enjoys Reading Eggs and now with the new workbook, 200 Essential Reading Skills for Third Grade, offered by them, we can really solidify his reading.  I want to share with you, our thoughts and how we used this program in our homeschool.

Online Reading Eggs Suite

What we Received

We received online access to the Reading Eggs suite and a physical workbook.  The workbook we chose was 200 Essential Reading Skills for Third Grade.

Online Reading Eggs Suite

Let's Chat about the Program

Reading Eggs is an online program that teaches children to read, spell, reading comprehension, and they even have a math program as well.  It was created by educators that have over 30 years experience.

I am using this program with my 9-year-old son.  The lessons are very animated and interactive.  They include characters, music, and rewards (they earn eggs and can use them to buy things within the game) that keep kids motivated.  Prior to starting there's a placement quiz the child can take to ensure they start at the right level.  The quiz doesn't take long at all, I think it took my son about 15 minutes if that. There's a progress report for parents so that we can how our child(ren) is doing.
There's a ton of online books and after each one there's a quiz to be sure your child is grasping what he has read.

Reading Eggs can be used with children between the ages of 2 - 13, but of course, that is up to the parent and child depending on their learning level.

The Workbook

The workbooks coincide with the online lessons.  Each page corresponds with Reading Eggs or Reading Eggspress.  We have book 3 so it corresponds with Reading Eggspress, which is designed for kids 7-13.   In the front of the book, you will find a content page that shows each lesson and page number and an explanation of how to use the book.  There's also a year planner and content overview.
The weeks are scheduled as a 5-day week, but they can easily be adjusted to fit your homeschooling needs.
Day 1 and 2 covers comprehension.
Day 3 and 4 covers spelling.
Day 5 covers grammar.
The workbook is a 36-week program and there is a review every 9 weeks.  The review covers the Spelling, Grammar, and Comprehension that was taught in the previous 9 weeks.

Here are a few of the things your child will learn in Book 3.

Comprehension - Finding Facts and Information, Point of view, Making predictions, cause and effect, analyzing character actions, and so much more.

Spelling - Short and long vowel sounds, digraphs oy oi, trigraphs air eer, silent b, l, h, verb endings: ies, ied, and a ton more other concepts.

Grammar - common and proper nouns, personal pronouns, abstract nouns, adverbial phrases, ownership for plural nouns, writing addresses and so on and so on.

The answers to the worksheets are all in the back of the book.

How We Used It

This program was used as a supplement for us.  We used the workbook 3-4 days a week just picking up where we left off.  My son requested to do the online program daily, so it was used more as fun "screen time" learning.  I did not line the lesson in the workbook up to match the lessons on the website he just picked up each day where he left off the day before.  I graded each worksheet as he finished so that he could immediately see how well he did or if he needed improvement.

Our Final Thoughts

My Son Thoughts

I asked my son, "How are you liking Reading Eggs?'"  He replied, "I like the online one because I am able to do lessons and when I complete them I get eggs and then I can go to the stadium and or arcade.  I like decorating my character and hotel.  I like the workbook, too.  I like it because some of the stories on the website are in the workbook but they are shorter.  The lessons are not too hard or too easy.  I am able to learn the sounds of shr and thr.  I did not like the story No problem because the boy didn't listen to his parents and he had an attitude. He needs to learn to be respectful.   I would recommend this to kids my age because it's fun and it teaches you how to spell.

Mom Thoughts

I love the flexibility of Reading Eggs.  Although we used it as a supplement, in my opinion, this can be used as a full Language Arts curriculum for younger elementary age children.  The online lessons were very interactive and kept my son engaged.  The workbook was very colorful and captivating.  My son or I was not very happy with some of the stories that were included.  For example one talked about "the great god Jupiter"  and although we have learned about Greek gods and goddess and false gods those are not stories we like to indulge in.  It did have educational stories as well, which I appreciated.  One example taught about trees, it gave different facts about tree species and the mammals that lived there. The stories are short, which is great for kids that are just getting into reading or comprehend better when stories are broken into small parts.  This really helps to keep the attention span of the child.  One thing that we haven't done yet, but, I am considering doing is taking the words from the spelling section and using them as his weekly spelling words.  Overall I think it is a great program to teach essential reading skills.  I would recommend the Reading Eggs workbook 200 essential Reading Skills for Third Grade for children ages 8-10.

Reading Eggs is being generous and has offered my readers some discounts.  You will find a link where you can purchase the workbooks and your incentives below.

I do hope you take advantage of these awesome incentives.  Thank you, Reading Eggs!!

The moms of the Review Crew reviewed different workbooks and some even got to try Mathseeds so be sure to click the banner below so that you can read their reviews as well.

Online Reading Eggs Suite {Reading Eggs Reviews}

Don't forget to follow Reading Eggs on social media

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/readingeggsUSCA/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/readingeggs/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/readingeggs/
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com.au/readingeggs/

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